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AGM News November 2021

**  2022 MEMBERSHIPS are now Available **  Get them in ASAP.

Greetings to All & Many thanks to everyone who attended our AGM yesterday. 

A brief overview was given by myself covering the main events of our 2021 race season. Covid disrupted the start of our season but it did not take away from a terrific season of racing & excellent banter. We run quite a few of our meetings this year closed to Club Members due to Covid etc . This may be carried over to next year so get your Membership ASAP. !!!

A massive thanks to all our Sponsors, without your support & backing none of this would have happened, so thanks to you all, your support is very much appreciated.

Also a big shout out as well to you the Riders who came along & served up some fantastic racing & banter as always. 

The currently elected committee were re-elected along with some new additions also joining the Cartel. We welcome the following to the committee : Robbie Allan & Peter Greenwood .

We also presented a full audited breakdown of the Clubs 2021 financial records.

As with everything at moment & with all costs rising over the last year I can confirm that there will be a very slight increase of £5 to the 2022 IOPD Annual Race Licence. ( That is our only increase ! )

Just to confirm our Club Membership & Race Entry fees will all remain the same for next year, which can only be good moving forward for 2022.

Membership & Licence = £50.   Race Entry £40 : 

2022 Club Membership & IOPD Annual Licence are now available to download from     If you want to keep your current Race number please send them in asap.

We will have 8 different race venues for the 2022 Racing Calendar with something to suit everyone . Some old favourites as always and also a return to the racing calendar will be Tinto. Some of you may have raced there before so we are delighted to welcome this venue back to our Race Calendar !!

The very popular Hawick venue is again there for 2022 & Also we will be revisiting the iconic venue of  Kilmartin home of Scotland’s only World GP MX ( a work party is required for this venue, tbc in the new year )  as well as all our regular race venues .

We would like to thank all land owners for allowing the Twin Shock Club to come along and Race our bikes & as always we need to ensure we clear up all our rubbish after each event to ensure we can be invited back.

We cannot stress highly enough the importance of removing all litter !!

Our Clubman Class continues to be a tremendous success, and the committee have confirmed that the top 3 Riders from the Clubman Class for 2021 will now be moving to a different class for 2020. Congratulations & well done to these guys. There are also a couple of other Riders who have been deemed too quick who will also be moving. Remember if you have finished in the top 6 any of any of our senior championship classes or if you are just too quick you are not eligible for this class. Again this will be monitored.

*** All our current registered Clubman & Novice riders will have priority to re-register or register for this Class until 1/1/22 . As places are limited you will have first option until 1st January. After that we will open it up to all until we have reached max capacity for this Class.***

We have also removed the option of being able to just register for the Novice Class from the Membership Form as it was clear not all who entered this Class were actual Novices. However we will still accept Novices as we want to encourage new racers into our Club so this will be confirmed by myself or a Committee Member. If you are a Novice please contact us direct.  We will be encouraging & monitoring their progress !!

To those riders who finished in the top 6 of your respective class & were unable to make the Dance & Trophy evening we will keep your trophy for you.

We have some new Transponders available if anyone is looking for one.

2022 Dance & Trophy Presentation TBC.   2022 AGM Date & Venue TBC

Please see our provisional dates & venues for next season:  2022

 , March 27th   TBC.   

, April 17th      Reserve.  

, May 1st  Kilmartin.

, May 29th  Powmill.

, June 26th Slamannan.

, July 24th  Tinto.

, August 21st  Hawick. 

, September 18th Alloa.

, October 2nd Glenfarg.

Read more: AGM News November 2021

August News 24-8-21


Wow !!, what an awesome weekend of racing we’ve just had at Hawick. Well done to all riders who served up some fantastic racing. A massive thanks must go to Simon & family for not only inviting us along to this Iconic venue but also for all the work that was put in to ensure we had a great weekends racing.  I am sure everyone is still buzzing from either racing or watching at this proper old school track. The weather served us up 3 different tracks, first the morning dampness making things a little bit tricky,  then as it dried out giving some fantastic grip & finally stunning sunshine , absolutely amazing !!

As always a big thanks to all the Marshalls who attended and worked tirelessly to ensure we could go racing & also to everyone who helped on the day to make this happen, so again thanks we couldn’t race without you.

We are now at the business end of all our championships as we move on to the stubble fields which we know everyone enjoys to decide who will be the champions of 2021. First up is Alloa.

Twin-Shock Give-away-a-goodie will continue at Alloa ?

We will be giving all Club Members who sign on to race another prezzie ( More info to follow  ) Great Club this !!!

Tickets are now on sale for our Presentation Awards evening.  As always I am sure this will be a great night, Buffet , Raffle & Dancing with a few beers thrown in for good measure.

You don’t want to miss this social event. Remember the top 6 in each Championship Class will all receive a Trophy so make sure you get your tickets.

I can confirm we will be back at our usual venue of the Strathaven Hotel  Saturday 13th November. Please see below date & info for this year’s dance

There are rooms available on a first come basis so if you want a room please phone the below number quoting ( Twin Shock )

THE STRATHAVEN HOTEL   :   TEL : 01357 521778

SINGLE ROOM B&B = £65      DOUBLE / TWIN B&B = £95

See you all at Glenochil

Cheers Rick.



21-12-2020 News Update : 

We hope you are all well in these strange & difficult times ? 2020 has been an extremely difficult year for all due to Covid-19 so hopefully things will get back to some sort of normality as we move into 2021 ?

Unfortunately we will be starting the New Year of 2021 in Lockdown , not a great start so fingers crossed !! 

To All current 2020 Registered Memebers :

Just to confirm that for all Current Twin Shock Members your Club Membership & IOPD race Licence will automatically carry forward to next year and will be valid for our 2021 Race Season so please don’t lose your Licence . There is no need to complete any new application forms for next season as the current forms you have completed will be valid for 2021.  

There are some of you out there who don’t know if you have joined or not ? We will update the website shortly with all who are currently registered along with your Rider Number & Class for 2021. Should you wish to change class then just get in touch with us.  

To those of you who have not yet joined :

2021 Club Registration & IOPD Licence forms are now available for you to download from the website, the link is on the Home page. Club Registration & IOPD licence are now combined into one payment of £45.00 ( Cheque payable to T.S.S.C.S. )  If you don’t have a cheque book no worries contact me and you can pay by Bank Transfer.  

So if haven’t yet joined get your Membership in now !! 

As always we are always trying to be proactive, so we can confirm there will be a new class for 2021 : Over 60’s Class ( any bike ) simple and self explanatory .  

Slight change also to the Evolution Class which now allows pre-96 machines to be eligible to race in this class also . 

We would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all of You, our Members for your continued ongoing support through 2020 and for your kind messages and comments throughout a very difficult year . You support is very much appreciated. 

A Big & Massive thanks to all our Sponsors who once again supported us through 2020.   We hope you will all continue to support us for 2021 . 

Club Merchandise : Currently we have all sizes ( s – xxl ) T-Shirts available to purchase ( Black or Blue ) .

Also Soft Shell Fleece jackets can be ordered, again all sizes and colours available, Yes pick your colour ? Photos will be uploaded to the website shortly .

There will be more merchandise products available for all to purchase over the coming months .  

Please see below full list of our Dates & Venues for our 2021 Race Season . 

MARCH 21st  :  Drumclog

APRIL 18th  : Reserved

MAY 2nd  : Kilmartin

MAY 30th  :  Powmill

JUNE 13th  :  Slamanan

JUNE 27th  :  Cardenden

JULY 25th  :  Lochgilphead

AUGUST 22nd :  Hawick

SEPTEMBER 19th  :  Glenochil

OCTOBER 3rd : Glenfarg 


Read more: 18-12-20 NEWSLETTER

11-11-2020 AGM & NEWS

10-11-20 AGM & News Update . 

The Club's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was due to take place on the 22nd Nov 2020. However due to current Covid-19, Tier system & travel restrictions this year the AGM cannot now take place on that date at the Stables, Crook-of-Devon as planned.  

To allow the club to plan & get organised for 2021, it is intended that the AGM will be a committee only event this year & done remotely on Microsoft Teams A date of Friday (evening) 4th Dec has been made for this – if we can get the technology to work..  

Scottish Government guidance is subject to change, but in light of the current restrictions in these unprecedented times we have no option but to rearrange. Hopefully we will be back to normal next year having our bar lunch & banter at our usual venue .

We are extremely sorry club members will not be able to participate in person at this year’s AGM, as previously it has in the past, been a good time to meet up, socialise and to show your continued support for the Club. 

Ahead of the AGM on the 4th Dec, Club members are invited to raise any issues or proposals by email or in writing up to five days prior to the AGM for inclusion on the agenda.

Please send all proposals or issues to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Please let us know if you want to be involved in helping run the Club / want to be part of the Committee or just helping out on the day ?

We are looking for your feedback for the AGM.

Any suggestions moving forward ?

What are the good points ? .

What are you unhappy with ?

Please let us know so we can consider & discuss them at the AGM. 

Remember Club memberships & IOPD licences from 2020 will carry forward into 2021. 

We would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all of our Members for your continued ongoing support this year and for your kind messages and comments throughout a very difficult year . You support is very much appreciated. 

A Big & Massive thanks to all our Sponsors who once again supported us through 2020.  

Racing 2020, Not much of a race season this year due to Covid however we did manage some great bike time : a practice weekend at Drumclog which we were graced with glorious sunshine, superb track & a great time had by all who attended .

Finally we manged to run a couple of Race Meetings, Drumclog & Glenfarg so we must thank both land owners , Grant & Alan for allowing us to come along and have some great racing .  

Club Merchandise : Currently we have all sizes ( s – xxl ) T-Shirts available to purchase ( Black or Blue ) .

Also Soft Shell Fleece jackets can be ordered, again all sizes and colours available, Yes pick your colour ? Photos will be uploaded to the website shortly .

There will be more merchandise products available for all to purchase over the coming months .

Read more: 11-11-2020 AGM & NEWS

20-7-2020 News update

20-7-2020 : ****  News Update : FAO All Members ***** 

 We can confirm that The Twin Shock Club have booked Drumclog MX Track for the weekend of Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th August . 

Plan A : We will hold a practice event on the weekend of the  29th & 30th August .  We fully expect this to be Current Club Members only .

Overnight Camping will be available .  Further details on this will be confirmed shortly .

Plan B : IF, Phase 4 has been introduced and it’s a massive IF , we may actually be able to hold a Race Meet !!  However , Until we know what the Scottish Government release later this month then we are going on a practice weekend for now !!

 As stated above , Further details will be confirmed shortly , get it in your Diary .

 Many thanks to Grant.

The Committee .


Coronavirus -19 March Update 24-3-20

TSSCS:  Statement to Members – Coronavirus-19 

We have made the decision to cancel our Race Meetings in April & May . ( This may be just the beginning )

We will monitor & assess this situation as we approach June and if necessary we may need to cancel further race meetings as Government guidelines will dictate how we move forward .

T.S.S.C.S. will adhere to all safety instructions and recommendations of running our sporting events at this time regarding the spread of this virus .

Our NHS Services / Staff deliver an unbelievable service & the last thing we want to be doing is putting any more strain on them which would be totally wrong on our part during these extremely difficult times.

If more decisions have to be taken by us considering this situation, we will act on the advice of Government and Health Officials regarding the spread of the virus and if events have to be cancelled we believe this is the best way to proceed in the interest of safety for you / our members and families to ensure everyone’s wellbeing.

We will endeavour to try and run some sort of Twin-Shock MX racing this year and we will look at all dates in the calendar as things progress with this virus.

I hope you all can fully understand these difficult times which we are in , and that it is our responsibility to ensure the wellbeing & safety of everyone involved.

Please keep checking the TSSCS Club web site & Facebook page for all updates.

Best regards

Your Committee

***Round 1 Drumclog Postponed *****

**** DRUMCLOG R1 POSTPONED ***** Please read & respect the information below !! 

All , as mentioned previously, we have had to make the unprecedented & difficult decision to Postpone our first meeting, Round 1 at Drumclog next weekend .

Apologies to all but with the extremely severe wet weather we have been having this has left us with no option but to postpone.

No essential work which has been required has not been able to be carried out to prepare the track for racing which has in effect stopped the meeting going ahead .. 

This meeting will be re-run on May 10th. Put this in your diary .  

If you have already entered for round 1 , this will automatically roll on to the 1st meeting you attend .

Many thanks to Grant for all his efforts in trying to get the track ready for us .

 Your Committee . 

Ps , yes we know , there will be a drought & sunshine now that we have postponed !! That will just be typical !!

AGM Report Nov 2019

Hi All ,  A brief overview of events from the 2019 AGM 24th Nov .

The meeting was very well attended by 47 Members .

A brief overview was given of how our 2019 race season had been this year, unfortunately the weather was not kind to us so here’s hoping for some sunshine for 2020 . This was the first year your committee were fully responsible for the running of the Club and yes a few teething problems were to be expected along the way along with a big learning curve by all of us was apparent to ensure we went Racing !!  However I think we got there in the end . We hope you enjoyed the freebies at Glenfarg and also the drink you received at the dance . We hope to do more of this if possible for 2020 !

A massive thanks to all the Sponsors as well as you the Riders as without your support & backing none of this would have happened , so thanks to you all, your support is very much appreciated.

The currently elected committee were re-elected along with some new members also joining the Cartel. We welcome the following : Margaret Gordon, ( Chief Marshall ) along with Gary Britton & Kevin Rosie joining the Committee as well .

I can confirm that there will be no increase to either Club Membership or Race Entry fees which can only be good moving forward for 2020. Membership & Licence stays at £45.  Day Entry £40 ( For Members ) Late fee £10.

2020 Club Membership & Licence are now available to download from      If you want to keep your Race number please send them in asap .

We will have 9 different race venues for this year’s racing with something to suit everyone . Some old favourites as always and also a new addition to the racing calendar will be Orchard Farm Hawick , some of you may have raced there many years ago so we are delighted to welcome this to our Race Calendar !! Also we will be revisiting the iconic venue of  Kilmartin home of Scotland’s only World GP MX ( a work party is required for this venue , tbc in the new year )  as well as all our regular race venues .

We would like to thank all land owners for allowing the Club to come along and Race our bikes so as always we need to ensure we clear up all our rubbish after each event to ensure we can be invited back.

Our new Clubman Class for last year was a tremendous success , and the committee have confirmed that the top 3 Riders from the Clubman Class for 2019 will now be moving up to a different class for 2020 . ( Adam Curran , Peter Rennie & Callum Laird ) well done guys .  Remember if you have finished in the top 6 ( now reduced from top 8 ) of any of our senior championship classes or if you are just too quick you are not eligible for this class . This will be monitored.

We presented a full breakdown of the Clubs 2019 financial turnover / and its current healthy Financial position in the bank up to 23/11/2019. 

At present these accounts are still to be fully audited by an accredited accountant ! This was very much to the displeasure of Joe McLean who wanted the AGM cancelled due to them not having been audited by an accountant . A vote was held on this matter of the accounts and it was fully unanimous to continue with the AGM.

Once the accounts have been audited as is legally & officially required by the Club for presentation to Companies House we will hold an extraordinary AGM to present these accounts to everyone .  Date & venue will be confirmed once we have them audited .

We apologised  for these not being audited in time for our AGM, however this is in part due to we  ( The Committee ) still being a work in progress & also trying to resolve the outstanding issue of the 2018 Accounts which have not been submitted to Companies House .  We will ensure we address this for the future.

Currently we are looking to update our website shortly as it requires a fresh look so all going well this should be up and running soon .

There are a few Championship Trophies still to be collected : Derrick Bellshaw , Lewis Farrow , Chris Smith ,Peter Maxwell , Alec Joiner , John Kenny , Ewan Campbell & Mathew Harper .!! Let us know and we will list them on Ebay for purchase.

Dance & Trophy Presentation will again be held at the Strathaven Hotel on 7th November .

AGM 22nd November , Crook of Devon .

Please see below our list of Dates & Venues for 2020 season .

March 22nd  Drumclog

April 26th  Lochgilphead

May 24th  Powmill

June 7th  Kilmartin 

June 28th  Cardenden

July 26th  Duns

August 23rd  Hawick

September 20th  Alloa

October 4th  Glenfarg

2020  Committee:

Chairman :  Ricky Caldwell

Vice Chairman :  Steve Crookshank

Club & Competition Secretary : John Hopton

Safety Officer :  Gary Whyte

Timing Officer : Graham Anderson

Eligibility : Craig Smith & Steve Crookshank

Chief Marshall : Margaret Gordon

Committee :

1 Brain Allardyce

2 Paul Chiappa

3 Jim Grieve

4 Graham Anderson

5 Grant McClure

6 Colin King

7 Gary Britton

8 Kevin Rosie

The countdown has begun !!

Cheers Rick

Read more: AGM Report Nov 2019

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