
***Round 1 Drumclog Postponed *****

**** DRUMCLOG R1 POSTPONED ***** Please read & respect the information below !! 

All , as mentioned previously, we have had to make the unprecedented & difficult decision to Postpone our first meeting, Round 1 at Drumclog next weekend .

Apologies to all but with the extremely severe wet weather we have been having this has left us with no option but to postpone.

No essential work which has been required has not been able to be carried out to prepare the track for racing which has in effect stopped the meeting going ahead .. 

This meeting will be re-run on May 10th. Put this in your diary .  

If you have already entered for round 1 , this will automatically roll on to the 1st meeting you attend .

Many thanks to Grant for all his efforts in trying to get the track ready for us .

 Your Committee . 

Ps , yes we know , there will be a drought & sunshine now that we have postponed !! That will just be typical !!

Saturday, July 27, 2024
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