Club Information

Twin Shock Scramble Club (Scotland) Ltd Club Information Page


TSSC (Scotland) Ltd was formed in 1994.

We are based in Scotland and have around 8 or 9 meetings each year, at various tracks through the central belt of Scotland.

Generally the tracks are built the day before the meeting, so you are racing on virgin track that has not been battered by a thousand bikes before you.


Currently we have around 200 members, from all over Scotland and parts of Northern England, who regularly attend and race at our meetings.

We mostly cater for Twinshock bikes, but recently we have introduced a class for Monoshocks, which is always well attended. Check out Rules & Regulations to see what class you can race your bike in.



If you would like more information, you can talk to one of our committee members from the list attached Committee Members



If you are interested in racing, or like me just joining for the banter, click on this link and you can print off a membership application form

Saturday, July 27, 2024
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