
Coronavirus -19 March Update 24-3-20

TSSCS:  Statement to Members – Coronavirus-19 

We have made the decision to cancel our Race Meetings in April & May . ( This may be just the beginning )

We will monitor & assess this situation as we approach June and if necessary we may need to cancel further race meetings as Government guidelines will dictate how we move forward .

T.S.S.C.S. will adhere to all safety instructions and recommendations of running our sporting events at this time regarding the spread of this virus .

Our NHS Services / Staff deliver an unbelievable service & the last thing we want to be doing is putting any more strain on them which would be totally wrong on our part during these extremely difficult times.

If more decisions have to be taken by us considering this situation, we will act on the advice of Government and Health Officials regarding the spread of the virus and if events have to be cancelled we believe this is the best way to proceed in the interest of safety for you / our members and families to ensure everyone’s wellbeing.

We will endeavour to try and run some sort of Twin-Shock MX racing this year and we will look at all dates in the calendar as things progress with this virus.

I hope you all can fully understand these difficult times which we are in , and that it is our responsibility to ensure the wellbeing & safety of everyone involved.

Please keep checking the TSSCS Club web site & Facebook page for all updates.

Best regards

Your Committee

Saturday, July 27, 2024
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