
AGM Report Nov 2019

Hi All ,  A brief overview of events from the 2019 AGM 24th Nov .

The meeting was very well attended by 47 Members .

A brief overview was given of how our 2019 race season had been this year, unfortunately the weather was not kind to us so here’s hoping for some sunshine for 2020 . This was the first year your committee were fully responsible for the running of the Club and yes a few teething problems were to be expected along the way along with a big learning curve by all of us was apparent to ensure we went Racing !!  However I think we got there in the end . We hope you enjoyed the freebies at Glenfarg and also the drink you received at the dance . We hope to do more of this if possible for 2020 !

A massive thanks to all the Sponsors as well as you the Riders as without your support & backing none of this would have happened , so thanks to you all, your support is very much appreciated.

The currently elected committee were re-elected along with some new members also joining the Cartel. We welcome the following : Margaret Gordon, ( Chief Marshall ) along with Gary Britton & Kevin Rosie joining the Committee as well .

I can confirm that there will be no increase to either Club Membership or Race Entry fees which can only be good moving forward for 2020. Membership & Licence stays at £45.  Day Entry £40 ( For Members ) Late fee £10.

2020 Club Membership & Licence are now available to download from      If you want to keep your Race number please send them in asap .

We will have 9 different race venues for this year’s racing with something to suit everyone . Some old favourites as always and also a new addition to the racing calendar will be Orchard Farm Hawick , some of you may have raced there many years ago so we are delighted to welcome this to our Race Calendar !! Also we will be revisiting the iconic venue of  Kilmartin home of Scotland’s only World GP MX ( a work party is required for this venue , tbc in the new year )  as well as all our regular race venues .

We would like to thank all land owners for allowing the Club to come along and Race our bikes so as always we need to ensure we clear up all our rubbish after each event to ensure we can be invited back.

Our new Clubman Class for last year was a tremendous success , and the committee have confirmed that the top 3 Riders from the Clubman Class for 2019 will now be moving up to a different class for 2020 . ( Adam Curran , Peter Rennie & Callum Laird ) well done guys .  Remember if you have finished in the top 6 ( now reduced from top 8 ) of any of our senior championship classes or if you are just too quick you are not eligible for this class . This will be monitored.

We presented a full breakdown of the Clubs 2019 financial turnover / and its current healthy Financial position in the bank up to 23/11/2019. 

At present these accounts are still to be fully audited by an accredited accountant ! This was very much to the displeasure of Joe McLean who wanted the AGM cancelled due to them not having been audited by an accountant . A vote was held on this matter of the accounts and it was fully unanimous to continue with the AGM.

Once the accounts have been audited as is legally & officially required by the Club for presentation to Companies House we will hold an extraordinary AGM to present these accounts to everyone .  Date & venue will be confirmed once we have them audited .

We apologised  for these not being audited in time for our AGM, however this is in part due to we  ( The Committee ) still being a work in progress & also trying to resolve the outstanding issue of the 2018 Accounts which have not been submitted to Companies House .  We will ensure we address this for the future.

Currently we are looking to update our website shortly as it requires a fresh look so all going well this should be up and running soon .

There are a few Championship Trophies still to be collected : Derrick Bellshaw , Lewis Farrow , Chris Smith ,Peter Maxwell , Alec Joiner , John Kenny , Ewan Campbell & Mathew Harper .!! Let us know and we will list them on Ebay for purchase.

Dance & Trophy Presentation will again be held at the Strathaven Hotel on 7th November .

AGM 22nd November , Crook of Devon .

Please see below our list of Dates & Venues for 2020 season .

March 22nd  Drumclog

April 26th  Lochgilphead

May 24th  Powmill

June 7th  Kilmartin 

June 28th  Cardenden

July 26th  Duns

August 23rd  Hawick

September 20th  Alloa

October 4th  Glenfarg

2020  Committee:

Chairman :  Ricky Caldwell

Vice Chairman :  Steve Crookshank

Club & Competition Secretary : John Hopton

Safety Officer :  Gary Whyte

Timing Officer : Graham Anderson

Eligibility : Craig Smith & Steve Crookshank

Chief Marshall : Margaret Gordon

Committee :

1 Brain Allardyce

2 Paul Chiappa

3 Jim Grieve

4 Graham Anderson

5 Grant McClure

6 Colin King

7 Gary Britton

8 Kevin Rosie

The countdown has begun !!

Cheers Rick


Saturday, July 27, 2024
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