
11-11-2020 AGM & NEWS

10-11-20 AGM & News Update . 

The Club's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was due to take place on the 22nd Nov 2020. However due to current Covid-19, Tier system & travel restrictions this year the AGM cannot now take place on that date at the Stables, Crook-of-Devon as planned.  

To allow the club to plan & get organised for 2021, it is intended that the AGM will be a committee only event this year & done remotely on Microsoft Teams A date of Friday (evening) 4th Dec has been made for this – if we can get the technology to work..  

Scottish Government guidance is subject to change, but in light of the current restrictions in these unprecedented times we have no option but to rearrange. Hopefully we will be back to normal next year having our bar lunch & banter at our usual venue .

We are extremely sorry club members will not be able to participate in person at this year’s AGM, as previously it has in the past, been a good time to meet up, socialise and to show your continued support for the Club. 

Ahead of the AGM on the 4th Dec, Club members are invited to raise any issues or proposals by email or in writing up to five days prior to the AGM for inclusion on the agenda.

Please send all proposals or issues to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Please let us know if you want to be involved in helping run the Club / want to be part of the Committee or just helping out on the day ?

We are looking for your feedback for the AGM.

Any suggestions moving forward ?

What are the good points ? .

What are you unhappy with ?

Please let us know so we can consider & discuss them at the AGM. 

Remember Club memberships & IOPD licences from 2020 will carry forward into 2021. 

We would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all of our Members for your continued ongoing support this year and for your kind messages and comments throughout a very difficult year . You support is very much appreciated. 

A Big & Massive thanks to all our Sponsors who once again supported us through 2020.  

Racing 2020, Not much of a race season this year due to Covid however we did manage some great bike time : a practice weekend at Drumclog which we were graced with glorious sunshine, superb track & a great time had by all who attended .

Finally we manged to run a couple of Race Meetings, Drumclog & Glenfarg so we must thank both land owners , Grant & Alan for allowing us to come along and have some great racing .  

Club Merchandise : Currently we have all sizes ( s – xxl ) T-Shirts available to purchase ( Black or Blue ) .

Also Soft Shell Fleece jackets can be ordered, again all sizes and colours available, Yes pick your colour ? Photos will be uploaded to the website shortly .

There will be more merchandise products available for all to purchase over the coming months .


Regards , Your Committee.

Saturday, July 27, 2024
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