
June Newsletter 2018





Hello there it,s me again with the monthly news and updates from your great club.

Round 4 of the super championship took place last Sunday at Duns Motocross venue in the south of Scotland .There was a marvelous turnout of riders of all abilities willing to take the challenge of this super track in their stride and what a great days racing it was .In the youth class it was again young Kyle Mcclure that took maximum pointsfrom the ever improving Harrison Grosset in 2nd and steady rider Connel Allardyce in 3rd.The pre 77 boys put on a great show on this demanding track but they would not be beaten by some wee hills and little jumps and in this class the Britton Team march on with big boy Ewan taking the overall from old Joe Mclean in 2nd and the unlucky Peter Maxwell in 3rd ,just missing out on a podium was the last round overall winner that super fast guy from Airdrie Gary the rocket Britton who ended the day with a good 4th overall just ahead of Tam Brown. The 4 stroke boys put on a great show for the massive crowd and Keith Stanford with 2 wins and a second took the overall from Sam Sibbald who suffered a puncture in race 2 which was repaired before race 3 with plenty time to spare (take note puncture peter)but he had done enough for the 2nd overall ,big Rick (still got dance tickets left)Caldwell rode steadily all day to claim the 3rd podium spot in this class.A mention must go to Chris Woodward who made the long journey from further south who would have been on the podium after 3 great rides on his super quick honda 4 stroke . The EVO 125 boys were next up and Ewan Campbell took the overall this week from the much winning Willy Penrice who had to settle for 2nd just ahead of the Seat Man Jonathan Young,this class was full to bursting point and great racing was on show from the word go with all the 125 lads deserving a mention but we don,t have enough data space .

The premier classes at our events is always the Twinshock open and 250 classes and they did not dissappoint at Duns ,   Water Bikemore was back from his recent fishing trips and looked to be in startling form as he took the lead in race 1 on the Marsh Honda 4 stroke only to succumb to the pressure from big Montanna ,ever champion Paul Chiappa and fast starter Brian Allardyce ,race 2 took a similar format but with Bickmore back on the Maico in race 3 it looked like he was leading them all a merry dance till he spotted a single burd trackside and got all crossed rutted trying to attract her attention so it was the same old story for him ,if you see a spare burd just roll on by and worry about winning rather than getting a free meal and a wee handy jobby. Callum Kilgour again took the overall with a clean sweep in the 250 Twinshock class again the elder statesman Alex Joiner took the 3 second places with David Stanford claiming 3rd overall at the end of play. The Over 50s lokks like a John Crawford benefit this year as 3 wins gives him an extended lead in this championship with Keith Birse who relished the conditions to take 2nd overall from the close fought battle between John Lamont and Johnny Rutherford in 3rd and 4th .

Evolution open class was next up and what a superb show these lads put on Paul Johnston with 3 wins cleaned up on the day but not far away and tying for second were Tam Grant and Mathew Harper just pipping Roy Potts at the end of the day. The modern 2 stroke class was also a great class to watch with top man Lewis Farrow taking the overall from Gregor Campbell and David Simmonds after some close fought battles .Last but not least was the Monoshock open class again some day members were in the mix but did not reckon in the final standings as they are day members were Pete Mitchell who was absolutely flying and Sean Williamson who was also flying but the top men on paper were Greg Maxwell who has undergone a new fitness regime with F.J.B. Fitness wi Jim Baxter at least i think that is what it means,anyway Greg seems to have upped his pace after the workouts that Jim puts him through and it is paying off handsomely ,in second overall was the very fast Colin Mcluckie who spends most days jogging with his mum just to keep them in condition ,i think they jog to Mcdonalds and get a taxi home stopping for a chinkie maybe but that aside the lad can ride a bike at a very fast speed too,in 3rd with 3 thirds was the rejuvenated Des Halewood.So thats how the meeting went and we hope to see you all again at the new track at Humbie on the 1st of July for round 5 of this great championship.

Round 6 will be going ahead at Drumclog on the 29th of July .Ihave had some members asking to change the date to the 15th of July but a new club ,The Galloway Club is running an event at Drumlanrigg Castle and we cannot get a bad name by being a hindrance to this new venture by date changing at the last minute ,we wish them all the best,and by the way i liased with one of their committee last year about these dates and we agreed to be kind to each other,in all my years running this club and the grief i have had regarding the maxxis i have never heard one word from them about dates so we know where we stand on that one,as footnote on the situation i wish all the Scottish riders at Duns on the 29th of July all the best of luck and hope they do really well

Team Challenge update -- After round 4 the postions and points totals are as follows ,still in the lead are the ONESTOP RACING TEAM with 840 points closely followed by TEAM ARGYLL on 640 points ,in third and still in with a shout are the DIAL-A-TOW BOYS on 561 with COLINS KINGS in 4th with 485 points and still hot contenders in this great challenge .

Before the event started at Duns a committee meeting was called to discuss some rule breaking by club member no 291 Sean Ellis. After some deliberation it was decided to ban him for the rest of 2018 from attending any of our events as punishment for breaking rules,1,2,3,5,6,and 20 he also disobeyed warnings issued by the club and was not insured that day.Be this a warning to you all we will not hesitate to ban anyone that does not follow the club rules.

On the subject of rules if any rider does not have the correct riding no. in future you will be told to get them or black flagged if you get past the starter.Also let Graham know before racing if you are using a transponder that is not registered to you. Always wear a crash helmet when riding your motorcycle for your own safety.



Rick Caldwell still has a few dance tickets left so see him soon if you want to be at the best,cheapest night on the planet on the 3rd of November at Strathaven.

That was quite stress free but until there are no issues to moan about i will always be crabbit,just obey the rules and be good to each other.

seeyallathumbie joe

Saturday, July 27, 2024
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