
September Newsletter No 2



Well folks ,here is another dose of joses dribblings from September in this great wet year of 2017. Never before have we witnessed so much bad weather at our events in the same year, well let,s hope the last round at Glenfarg is better for us on the 8th of October.We will be running a parade lap again as a show of support for our friend and fellow rider Sean Doherty who was badly injured 2 years ago ,Sean will lead the parade on a quad and all riders will be welcome to take part. I am sure it will be well supported and documented on film and DVD by our band of superb photographers and film makers.


The event at Alloa on Sunday went swimmingly well considering the rain we had,last race was off the track at 2-30 .last van pulled out the field at 7-00 pm . Not very good for the guys that had a long wait but what can we do about the weather ,other clubs get the same bother so it is not just a twinshock thing . Big Monty was back from holiday ,he had his big zoomer and his note pad out so the full race report and DVD of the meeting is out now on the club website and in the TMX .He is getting better at the repoting as we wean him back into the twinshock scene but I read his great report and he goes on about something being dusted,well if you saw dust on Sunday Monti youhave better eyesight than me as all I saw was glorious mud.


The new race format seems to be working well no first turn pile ups or any accidents to speak of on Sunday so we will continue in this fashion for the foreseeable future.I got a report of a committee man tampering with the start elastic behind the starters back ,if this happens again whoever is the culprit will be barred from this club as safety and respect are paramount in the club.The secretary (me) makes the race format for every meeting and every rider gets a copy when signing on.The starter is in sole charge of the start of every race so obey both or the consequences could be dire . We had few new faces racing on Sunday and some old timers making a comeback, I hope you all enjoyed your day and maybe come to Glenfarg where hopefully we will have a good dry day where it will be more pleasant for us.I see the mono entry is down we may have to put them in with the over 50s soon if things get much worse, check your format when signing on just to make sure you know the script.


There are still a few dance tickets left so if you want to be there I would advise you to get your tickets at Glenfarg .They are only £15 per adult and are not transferable or refundable as every ticket has to have a name against it for fire regulations .A big Buffett ,A big raffle , A big Dance and A load of trophies to hand out .Your vice chairman, Hoppy has indicated that he would give out the prizes as long as I am there to tell him what to say , I will have to have a good think about that one .


The club memberships are up on 30-10-2017 ,Memberships will be due for renewal at the A.G.M. which is planned for 26th November 2017 .Any items that any member wants put on the Agenda must be with me by 30-10-17 .Anything after this date will be binned .I will be proposing that we do away with a committee as it only causes friction and animosity as was witnessed on Sunday. The club runs fine with senior officials and has done for years.    The Dance on 18th November will go ahead as planned and we are still on the scrounge for raffle prizes .GET YOUR TICKETS SOON AS THERE ARE NOT MANY LEFT .ONLY £15 per adult.We still need all annual trophies returned thanks.

The Team points are as follows and things are on a knife edge and all to play for at Glenfarg .After a good showing in the mud at Alloa the Red Rockets are now in the lead for the first time in history ,it must be said that Hoppies men again scored well but alas all too late in the year for them. Still 4 teams in with chance of winning this great team event .




Saturday, July 27, 2024
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