
MAY 2017



Here we go again good people with a round up of the last months news and what a great load we have in store.First I will get this off my chest,a fat sleaze bag from the dark side was at our event on Sunday and I was told he complained about paying a fiver to get into watch the event and get a free programme.Well gouty just stay away and attend your £12 events yes the wee uninsured 5 minute races with 6 or 7 riders that you seem to think are great. And on the subject of shite meetings,I hear that a few of our members are being accosted to go and ride at these pish events, well just ask the person that is asking you to race with them if they race with the twinshock club, if the answer is no which is about a certainty then tell them to go and fuck themselves. A shower of selfish users.want and take is all they ever do. I know a few of our guys do both events ,they are the the good guys of the sport . Due to unforeseen circumstances we may have to change a date in July and we may have to run a round on the 14th of July ,I will let you know soon on any news with this as it developes.

On with the real news .Jason Martin had a wee bump at Powmill on Sunday and got carted away in the big burd.Ihave been informed he is home and snuggling up to Jodie so no major damage,also Chris Wilson and Alan Ramage both picked up shoulder injuries,we hope you are both on the mend and anyone else that got hurt we hope you get well soon. The new start arrangement with the over 50s and the twinshocks seems to work well,I have been in constant talks about this with committee man Dave Pullar and after some deliberation we agree that it should remain as is for the foreseeable future.So over 50s on the left start at 1 minute after the twinnies on the right. In race 1 we will continue with junior/ clubman on the left at 1 minute after the pre 77 and 4 stroke on the right. Could all junior /clubmen make sure you have a yellow hi.vis vest or you will not get to race.We have not got any left as they have not been returned to us so the onus is on you ,no vest ,no race .The starter will have the final say on the matter .They only cast £1.99 from screwfix .

As I had a great viewpoint on Sunday to watch the racing,I could see a few of you chancing your hand at the start well we will enforce rule 13 from now on so you have been warned. You go after the elastic has been released not before. A 5 second penalty awaits any rider that jumps the start, I repeat ,you have been warned. Also on the subject of rule breaking I witnessed 2 no. 127s in races 1,6 and 11. If this happens again both riders will get black flagged and no points .This is a contravention of rule 11 . And onto rule 2 ,yes guess what I found while tidying up litter last night at Powmill a syringe ,we will not tolerate drug taking by anyone at our events so whoever the person is that had this nasty thing just stay away we do not want that type near us . I might as well mention rule 12 while I am reading them ,do you all have an up to date fire extinguisher in your vehicle and to round of this paragraph rule 35 states .No tear offs or helmet attachments except peaks or face guards .

The meeting on Sunday was one of our biggest and apart from the stoor and the drama queen waiting on his helicopter hurl it was a great event with riders from the great twinshock era and some very good present day riders ,all in all a super day out .Big Monty will have the race report in the T.M.X. soon and the dvd and film footage will be on social media, also there were plenty great photographers at the meeting so I can assume there are thousands of great pics on faceboak, I don’t go there anymore so if anyone wants to get in touch with me you would be best contacting Davie Mckell or Ian Gerrard if it is about the club on faceboak . I had a load of dance tickets with me on Sunday and sold them all and I will have some at Stirling next week the 11th of June where we will be running round 4 of the Scottish Scramble Championship. Tickets are £15 per adult and non refundable or transferable as every ticket is allocated to a named person to comply with mad council regs. The dance is in Alloa Town Hall on the 18th November 2017 7-30 till 12-30 and no disco this year just live sic to suit everyone .Also the super buffett and mega raffle which we gladly beg prizes from your kind selfs.

NEWS .The Ballistic 6 have taken the lead in this great Team Challenge but only by the smallest of margins with the Red Rockets again coming out on top at Powmill but only making a small dent on the leaders

5th DIAL-A-TOW 382

I have just returned from Stirling and the farmer has informed me that we will be in a different field this year. Drive up the Townhead Farm road for about 80 yards then turn left into nice grassy field ,the track is a couple of hundred yards further on through the field. Should be fun if it is wet but the track field looks amazing .all natural terrain with grass and soil underneath so they say just like a football pitch or a bowling green. See you all next week,well most of you anyway .
The track building will be on Wednesday night the 7th and all day Saturday the 10th ,remember you get paid for helping .
I have had loads of phone calls and messages today asking the identity of the sleaze bag, well I cannot say as I don,t know ,I was just given a description and it seems a lot of you have named a few people already but whoever it was will recognise themselves and know it was them that fits the description .One thing is for sure it was NOT Mr. D.Mckell as he is out of the country .
signing off cheers jose




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