Race Reports




2014 R7 Tinto

Round 7, Tinto Moto Park Rigside Lanarkshire, Sunday 24th of August 2014

Hard to believe that the Scottish Twinshock Scramble Club are now almost three quarters of the way through their 2014 championship as they headed to the late Robbie Allan’s superb Tinto Moto Park facility at Rigside Lanarkshire to hold Round 7 of their ten round campaign.

Still classed as one of the best off-roading facilities in Scotland this picturesque and first-rate resource was in excellent condition to hold the event. Although the initial entry for this round was not good there was an excellent turnout of day members who increased the overall riders tally by a considerable margin and it appeared like it was all systems go.

Read more: 2014 R7 Tinto

2014 R6 Lochgilphead

Round 6, Achnashelloch Lochgilphead, Sunday the 3rd of August 2014

The Scottish Twinshock Scramble Club racing circus continues to gather pace as they headed to Achnashelloch near Lochgilphead on the extreme west coast of the country to hold round six of their ten round 2014 championship.

Stewart Campbell had made a superb job of getting the track in tip top condition for this round 6 event, and had added a few little tricky sections and table-top’s just to keep everybody on their toes. Saturday was not the best of days for a weekend of camping as the dreaded west coast weather pissed down relentlessly all afternoon and the usual barbeque and beer social evening was a bit of a wash-out. Mind you if you were part of a certain group you could just book into a nice little local B&B where it was nice and warm and cosy and didn’t have to rough it like me sleeping in the front seat of the car.

Read more: 2014 R6 Lochgilphead

2014 R5 Garelochead

Round 5, Glen Fruin, Garelochead. Sunday the 6th of July 2014

It’s hard to imagine they are now halfway through their 2014 race calendar already as the Scottish Twinshock Scramble Club headed to the picturesque location of Garelochead on the west coast of Scotland to hold Round five of their ten round championship.

Every round thus far in 2014 has been blessed with excellent riding conditions thanks to the superb summer weather the UK is currently enjoying. And the track at Garelochead was in top form for this halfway point encounter.

The track of course at Garelochead is all prepared and fettled by none other than Sean Doherty, Gordon Forbes and their little west coast band of elves who had worked tirelessly for almost a fortnight getting the course in tip-top shape.

Read more: 2014 R5 Garelochead

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